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woman in puffer jacket entering a home
All good things come from nature – alas, even winter. Today's blog is about how I make the most of it.

I am a glass-half-full optimist by nature, intention, and daily practice. Winter, however, challenges this default position! Regular followers will know that I am a child of summer – Aquarian birthright aside. I love long days, open doors, unshuttered windows, sand, surf, and light – lots of light.

Winter (a.k.a. the big chilL) challenges my sunny disposition. But I also know we experience life most fully through contrasts. Periods of stasis make action all the sweeter. Dark makes light visible. What would fulfillment feel like without hunger? 

With this philosophical attitude and many big-chill winters of practice, I’ve learned to appreciate this season of low light, hibernation, and introspection. In today’s blog, I’m excited to share some living and design tips for embracing the season. Bundle up and join me ….

Woman reading a magazine in bed
Good books and inspiring magazines help me look inward. Winter is a season of personal growth.

LOOK INWARD: Finding Peace & Purpose in Your Winter Space

Long, hot summers offer so many distractions. I am always on the go – with energy to match. Winter is absolutely a speed bump, but I’m reminded speed bumps are there for a reason. This season, I’m taking more time to explore the “whys” behind my thoughts and actions. These check-ins help ensure I spend my energy wisely. 

As an interior designer, “looking inward” absolutely has a double meaning. The Lisa Sherry Interiuers studio is very busy right now, as clients are also more attuned to their homes and surroundings. 

Ultimately, the spaces we occupy shape our lives. My clients are attracted to my portfolio of work and my aesthetic. LSI clients are all different and distinct, but in many ways clients are kindred spirits too, seeking me out to create a space for living. My work as an interior designer is a source of joy, very deeply felt this time of year.

BUNDLE UP: Layering Your Home for Warmth & Style During the Big Chill

If the idea of “looking inward” is a bit abstract and intangible, this next winterizing tip is very practical. Now’s a good time to think in layers. This month, I’ve got a tower of books piled high on my bedside, a list of binge-worthy shows to stream, and a fridge full of winter veggies with recipes to match. 

More is good, and this wintertime layering “principe” also goes for essential design details like pillows, throws, rugs, and even lighting. It may be dark and frosty outside, but inside manmade layers of light, warmth, and interesting details make all the difference. Self care is essential in the winter.

LET THINGS SIMMER: Embracing Slow Living, Cozy Comforts & Company

For better or worse, time seems to slow in the winter. Why not embrace the pace. Make winter a study in slow, deliberate living. Remember, a simmer gives off lots of heat and energy. It’s all about the so-called long game with lots of intention.

If you’re like me, you’ll want to be sure something’s literally simmering on the stove. Like most things in life, rich and complex dishes don’t come ready made out of a can. Last weekend, my partner Jonathan won my heart (well, he already had it) with not one but two Sunday soups – with staying power. I enjoyed the soups all week long, as he travelled on business. And as you're cooking up a storm, remember to be a nurturer. Share the bounty and love with friends and family. We are all logs in a fire, burning more brightly together.

Woman in a hat and sweater enjoying the winter sun.
Those who wander are not lost. Bundle up, find a patch of winter sunshine, and plot a big-chill escape to a sunny destination.

ESCAPE: Planning Big-Chill Winter Getaways for a Seasonal Reset

I’m a dreamer AND a pragmatist. When all else fails, and winter’s got you down, cry uncle and get out of town. I endure winter. I’ve found ways to embrace the big chill, as I’ve shared here. And, I’ve also discovered that planning a late winter trip makes all the difference. 

This year, Jonathan and I will be counting down to a week in Puerto Vallarta in February. It's actually a chance to mix of bit of business and pleasure, a blur I happen to love. Jonathan and I will be enjoying the hospitality of a Lisa Sherry Interieurs client, who owns and operates a wonderful resort in the area. These clients' personal residence is the first Lisa Sherry Interieurs in Puerto Vallarta. Design knows no boundaries. International travel AND design projects always make my heart happy. If I’ve timed this Mexico exursion properly, Jonathan and I will return to the first signs of spring in Charlotte, North Carolina: crocus, foraging squirrels, fledgling birds, and – my favorite – longer days. Change is the only true constant in our lives. Winter is a big chill destined to thaw.

Woman with an I-pad tablet.
Maybe it's natural to close up during winter. My blog is a way to connect, a survival tip for me and, I hope, helpful for readers too.

Maybe I should add “blogging” as a winter survival tip! I feel like I’ve invited readers into my personal hibernation with these words and ideas. I promise you, it’s made me feel warmer, more connected, more satisfied. We are all journeying together!

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